4 tips for getting accurate thermometer readings

Views : 632
Update time : 2022-07-02 15:25:50
                                    4 Tips for getting accurate readings with a kuluner thermometer.
Tip 1: Test Before Cooking
Many people think that their devices always read accurately, but this is not always the case. If you only notice this while cooking, it will get worse. So you can accurately test your equipment before cooking to make sure your Kuluner meat thermometer stays in good working order.

To calibrate the temperature, please take a cup of ice water from the fridge, insert the probe into ice-water to touch the ice,
(make sure the probe touch the ice under water where the temperature is 0°C) when getting the final temperature, hold down the “CAL” key for 3 seconds. Then the display will show “CAL” on the screen. Use the C /F key to increase the digit or the “MAX/MIN” key to decrease the digit until you reach 0°C or 32°F. Then press the “CAL” to confirm the calibration.

Tip 2: Insert in the right place
Once you're sure your thermometer is working properly, it's important to make sure your temperature measurement method is accurate as well. Thermometer readings will be more accurate if you place the thermometer in the center of the thickest part of the food, away from bones and fat. You can find the min temperature for your food here, giving you a more realistic idea of ​​how well your meat is cooked as a whole.

The best way to find the thickest part of your food is to insert a meat thermometer into the deepest part. Slowly push it further into the food and watch the temperature on the display. The temperature should get cooler as you get closer to the center, as it takes the longest time for the heat to reach that part. Once the temperature starts to rise again, you've crossed the center and need to pull back.

Tip3: Multi-site testing
While you do want to use the thickest part of the meat to read, it's not the only place to check. Instead, check the temperature of multiple portions of the food to help you determine if the ideal temperature has been reached. The lowest reading you find should be the number you pass.

Be sure to check each piece of meat or food individually as you don't want to assume all pieces are fully cooked just because one is fully cooked. Also, keep in mind that when preparing meat, the food will continue to cook for a few minutes once it is removed from the heat. For this reason, you may want to remove food from the heat source when it is a few degrees below the desired internal temperature.

Tip 4: Check the temperature early and often
The best way to avoid over or undercooked meat is to read frequently. Be careful to start before the meat reaches the desired temperature. It is important not to take any temperature readings before turning the meat for the first time. Until then, the meat will only cook from one side and the internal temperature will not be in the center.

After flipping, the meat will start to cook evenly and the internal temperature will become more stable. Continue to use the thermometer every few minutes to monitor your approach to your target temperature. Since cooking temperatures can get very high, use a Kuluner meat thermometer for quick and accurate temperature readings to avoid burning or injuring your skin in the process.